
Record umbers of application has been made to the painting and music department of the Faculty of Fine Arts of our university. Prof. Dr. İsmail Ateş , Dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts, stated that more applications were made to Şırnak University than the total of applications to all universities in the region. Prof. Dr. Ateş also stated that 33 applications were made for the graduate exam, as pride for our university and our region. Ateş stated that although the Faculty of Fine Arts is a new faculty established in 2018, it has developed very rapidly and has achieved many successes, and followed as; Of course, this is a success achieved with the contribution and devoted work of our Rector Prof. Dr. Mehmet Emin Erkan, his team and the academic and administrative staff of the Faculty of Fine Arts. In addition to festivals, symposiums and music events, we exhibit the works of both Şırnak University teachers and graduate students at art fairs in Ankara and Istanbul. In addition to Ankara University, Hacettepe University, the works of Şırnak University are also exhibited, and the works of our teachers and students are included in the catalogs, in the press, and these exhibitions are visited by more than one hundred thousand viewers. This contributes also to the promotion of our University and our city. We see these as a contribution to both education and the cultural and artistic life of the university, the city and our country in general".

9/2/2022 |  Şırnak Üniversitesi