Our university provides academic and psychological counseling services for our students. Both in academic units and in the Student Affairs, Health, Culture and Sports departments, administrative staff are responsible for helping students in all matters. Students can visit these units during working hours and provide information about procedures and resources. In addition, students can contact the relevant unit when they have questions about educational programs and applications. Academic Counseling Every new student is provided with an academic contact with the department they are registered to. However, the first person the student will consult is their academic counselor. Relevant counselors can help students in all matters. Every faculty member has students they are counseling. In order for students not to have problems with the courses they are registered for, the Student Counselor checks their course registrations at the beginning of each semester based on their academic success. If the student has failed the courses they took the previous year, they advise the student which courses to choose and which to drop when registering for the new semester. They are interviewed regarding education and other related issues, problems and solutions. Academic Counseling is necessary for all kinds of choices and decisions regarding the student's course selection, internship and issues they will consult about other than department courses. Students are also free to apply to another counselor of their choice. Our university also provides psychological guidance and counseling services to its students if needed.
