Unit | Telephone | Internal | Email | Website |
Institute of Graduate Studies | 1351-1354-1357-1359 | | lisansustuee@sirnak.edu.tr | institute. sirnak.edu.tr |
Faculty of Fine Arts | 4862164008 | 1282-1287 | gsf@sirnak.edu.tr | gsf. sirnak.edu.tr |
Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences | 4862164008 | 1204-1206 | iibf@sirnak.edu.tr | iibf. sirnak.edu.tr |
Seminary | | | | theology. sirnak.edu.tr |
Faculty of Engineering | (0486) 216 40 08 | 1261 | engineering@sirnak.edu.tr | engineering. sirnak.edu.tr |
Faculty of Health Sciences | 216 40 08 | 1184 -1185 - 1191 | healthsciences@sirnak.edu.tr | health. sirnak.edu.tr |
Faculty of Agriculture | (0486) 216 4008- Fax: 0486 551 30 31 | 4000-4004-4003 | ziraat@sirnak.edu.tr | agriculture. sirnak.edu.tr |
School of Physical Education and Sports | 04862164008 | 1381-1383 | besyo@sirnak.edu.tr | besyo. sirnak.edu.tr |
School of Tourism and Hotel Management | 0486 2164008 | 1419-1415 | sutoiy@sirnak.edu.tr | tourism. sirnak.edu.tr |
General Secretariat | 0486 216 40 08 | | generalsekreterlik@sirnak.edu.tr | general secretariat. sirnak.edu.tr |
Department of Information Technology | 0 486 216 4008 | 1032 | bilgiislem@sirnak.edu.tr | information processing. sirnak.edu.tr |
Department of Administrative and Financial Affairs | 0(486) 216 4008 | 1041 | administrativemaliisler@sirnak.edu.tr | imid. sirnak.edu.tr |
Department of Library and Documentation | 0486 216 4008 | 1054 | kutuphane@sirnak.edu.tr | library. sirnak.edu.tr |
Student Affairs Department | 0486 216 4008 | 1061 | studentisleri@sirnak.edu.tr | students. sirnak.edu.tr |
Head of Personnel Department | 0486 216 4008 | 1071, 1072, 1073, 1074, 1075, 1078 | personnel@sirnak.edu.tr | personneldb. sirnak.edu.tr |
Department of Health, Culture and Sports | 0486 216 4008 | 1805 | sks@sirnak.edu.tr | sks. sirnak.edu.tr |
Strategy Development Department | | | | strategydb. sirnak.edu.tr |
Department of Construction and Technical Affairs | 0486 216 4008 | 1102 | yapiisleri@sirnak.edu.tr | construction. sirnak.edu.tr |
Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit | 0486 216 4008 | 1276 | bap@sirnak.edu.tr | sirnakbap. sirnak.edu.tr |
Erasmus Exchange Program Institutional Coordination | 486-216-4008 | | ba-erasmus@sirnak.edu.tr | erasmus.sirnak.edu.tr |
Farabi Institution Coordination | | | | farabi. sirnak.edu.tr |
Mevlana Exchange Program Institutional Coordinatorship | | | | Mevlana. Sirnak.edu.tr |
International Relations Coordination | | | uluslararasi@sirnak.edu.tr | international. sirnak.edu.tr |
Beekeeping Research, Development Application and Research Center | | | | arimer. sirnak.edu.tr |
Plant Health Application and Research Center | | | | plant health. sirnak.edu.tr |
Regional Studies Research Group | | | | bocag. sirnak.edu.tr |
Women and Family Studies Research and Application Center | | | sirnak.kacaum@sirnak.edu.tr | kacaum. sirnak.edu.tr |
Career Development Office | 0486 216 40 08 | 1187 | kariyerofisi@sirnak.edu.tr | Careeroffice. sirnak.edu.tr |
Molla Ahmed El-Cezeri Application and Research Center | | | | elcezeri. sirnak.edu.tr |
Social Sciences Research Center | | | | sobiam. sirnak.edu.tr |
Continuing Education Application and Research Center | | | susem@sirnak.edu.tr | sem. sirnak.edu.tr |
Technology Development Center | | | sirnaktekmer@sirnak.edu.tr | tekmer. sirnak.edu.tr |
Technology Transfer Office Directorate | | | | tto. sirnak.edu.tr |
Technology and Research Center Laboratory | 04862164008 | 1266 | | sutam. sirnak.edu.tr |
Turkish Teaching Application and Research Center | | | | tomer. sirnak.edu.tr |
Distance Education Application and Research Center | (0486) 216 40 08 | | suzem@sirnak.edu.tr | uzem. sirnak.edu.tr |
Cizre Vocational School | 0-486-616 59 08 | | cizremyo@sirnak.edu.tr | cizremyo. sirnak.edu.tr |
Idil Vocational School | 0486 216 4008 | 4005-4006-4010-4011 | idilmyo@sirnak.edu.tr | idilmyo. sirnak.edu.tr |
Vocational School of Health Services | 4862164008 | 1172 | shmyo@sirnak.edu.tr | saglikmyo. sirnak.edu.tr |
Silopi Vocational School | 0486 216 4008 | 1134 | silopimyo@sirnak.edu.tr | silopimyo. sirnak.edu.tr |
Sirnak Vocational School | | | | sirnakmyo. sirnak.edu.tr |
Academic Incentive Regulation, Supervision and Objection Committee | (0486) 216 40 08 | 1008 | ozelkalem@sirnak.edu.tr | incentivecommission. sirnak.edu.tr |
Press, Broadcasting and Public Relations Department | | | | press. sirnak.edu.tr |
Education Commission | | | | educationcommission. sirnak.edu.tr |
Legal Consultancy | | | | legal consultancy. sirnak.edu.tr |
Rewards and Incentives Committee | | | | award commission. sirnak.edu.tr |
Private Secretary Directorate | (0486) 216 40 08 | 1001 / 1002 / 1008 | ozelkalem@sirnak.edu.tr | privatepen. sirnak.edu.tr |
Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Committee | | | | ethics board. sirnak.edu.tr |
Quality | | | | quality. sirnak.edu.tr |
Student Clubs | | | | communities. sirnak.edu.tr |
Guest House | 0486 216 6303 | | guesthouse@sirnak.edu.tr | guesthouse. sirnak.edu.tr |