
Book signing event of the book titled “Şırnak History From the Ottomans to the Republic” which was published by Şırnak Municipality Publishing House and deals with the administrative, social and economic structure of Şırnak province between 1853-1929, has been held in at the 15 Temmuz Congress and Culture Center of our university.Şırnak Governor Ali Hamza Pehlivan, Şırnak Mayor Mehmet Yarka, 23rd Border Infantry Division Commander Major General İdris Acartürk, Rector of our University Prof. Dr. Mehmet Emin Erkan, Provincial Police Chief Mustafa Emre Başbuğ, Provincial Director of National Education Nazan Şener, as well as representatives of institutions and many citizens attended the event.Following the speeches of protocol members, the program continued with the author Dr. Ahmet Gülenç's preseantation of book, plaque presentation and signing ceremony. The event ended with the visit of the exhibition titled "Şırnak History from the Ottomans to the Republic" in Şırnak Province. 

6/14/2021 |  Şırnak Üniversitesi