
Due to the 1-7 March Green Crescent Week, an event has been held at 15 Temmuz Congress and Culture Center of our university within the scope of Combating Addiction. Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Derya Yücel, Director of Vocational School of Health Services Assoc. Dr Ömer Nayci and also academicians and students attended the event. Sedat Doğan, Lecturer at the Vocational School of Health Services of our University, who participated in the program as a speaker, gave information on addiction and addiction types. Green Crescent Club Advisor and Lecturer Hüseyin Çapuk made a presentation on the reasons of addiction and what to do about dealing with addiction. The event ended with the theater performance of the Vocational School of Health Services Theater Group coordinated by Instructor Ömer Çetinkaya.

3/7/2022 |  Şırnak Üniversitesi