
In-service training meetings, which are held regularly every year, continue this year as well. The 2022 meetings of the in-service trainings organized for academic and administrative staff of our university, held in 15 Temmuz Congress and Culture Center of our universtiy.In addition to Assoc. Dr. İbrahim Baz, General Secretary of our university; faculty deans, college and vocational school principals, heads of departments and many academic and administrative staff attended the first meeting. In the first session of the in-service training in 2022, where the Head of Personnel Department Osman Köse made the opening speech, General Secretary of our university Assoc. Dr. İbrahim Baz made a presentation titled “Corporate culture, human relations and motivation”. Then, one-to-one forms were filled with the participants about the positive and negative factors affecting the corporate culture and the problems experienced.

10/24/2022 |  Şırnak Üniversitesi