
Meeting on "Technical Assistance Project for Promoting Youth Employment in the TRC3 Region", which thousands of young people can benefit from in Şırnak, Mardin, Batman and Siirt, has been held at the 15 Temmuz Congress and Culture Center of our University. The first meeting, which was conducted by the Dicle Development Agency (DIKA), had been previously held in Mardin and the second was hosted by our university. The meeting, which will benefit thousands of young people, was attended by Şırnak Governor Ali Hamza Pehlivan, Rector of our University Prof. Dr. Mehmet Emin Erkan, Rector of Siirt University Prof. Dr. Nihat Şındak and General Secretary of DİKA Ahmet Alanlı, as well as managers of some public institutions in Şırnak, Mardin Batman and Siirt. Emphasizing that young people should be well guided in the next process, in his speech, Governor of Şırnak Ali Hamza Pehlivan followed as; " Our young people need to be educated from an early age, their skills should be developed and they should be guided in line with these skills. Employment is available. It is necessary to train talented, resourceful and skilled people. This will be the steps to be taken with these projects in our schools and universities". Prof. Dr. Mehmet Emin Erkan, Rector of our University stated that in their study as a university; they realized that the main problem in the city is employment and they see here how public institutions work collectively, especially under the leadership of Sirnak Governor Ali Hamza Pehlivan. He also emphasized that the organizations such as Textile Workshop, Cudi Cup Tennis Tournament, Shawl Şapik Production Facility have been organized with inter-institutional cooperation, in his speech and wished that meeting to be beneficial. The meeting continued with the speeches of Ahmet Alanlı, General Secretary of DİKA and Prof. Dr. Nihat Şındak, Rector of Siirt University.

6/9/2021 |  Şırnak Üniversitesi