
" We are in the fifth year of the elimination of the treacherous coup attempt which aims to disrupt the indivisible integrity of our state, our national unity and solidarity, target our democratic system and aim at the survival of our country, with the will of our nation. Our nation gathered its power on July 15, 2016 and showed all the world once again that there is no stronger force than the will of nation. Our people, who risked their lives and jumped in front of the tanks that night, did not violate the honor of this country. As Şırnak University, we will continue to work with all our strength to pay our debt of gratitude to our martyrs and to fulfill our duty, to produce in the light of science, and to raise devoted generations for their homeland and national values. On July 15, the Day of Democracy and National Unity, I wish Allah's mercy on all our martyrs who sacrificed their lives for our flag, our country and our state. I commemorate our veterans with gratitude."

7/14/2021 |  Şırnak Üniversitesi