
As 2022 approaches, Rector Prof. Dr. Mehmet Emin Erkan has released a congratulatory message. Our Rector's message includes the following feelings and thoughts: "Universities, as higher education institutions, train modern and qualified manpower to carry their regions to the future. As Şırnak University, we have left behind a year in which we worked devotedly for our nation which deserves a better future, by striving to use all our opportunities in the best way possible for the development of our city and country. I wish that 2022 will bring peace, brotherhood, happiness and tranquility to our country, our nation and all humanity, and create a new beginning for the solution of the common problems of the world; I congratulate our students, academic and administrative staff, our nation and all humanity on the occasion of New Year."

12/31/2021 |  Şırnak Üniversitesi