
Mehmet Emin Acar Campus has 4 libraries, mainly the Central Library, Cizre Vocational School, Silopi Vocational School and İdil Vocational School library.Our central library, located on the Mehmet Emin Acar Campus, has 4 floors and an area of 8,000 square meters with international standards.Our central library was also deemed worthy of the "Accessible University Award" given by YÖK and received the Orange Flag within the scope of "Access in Space".In our central library; there are 72 thousand 784 printed sources and 3 million 250 thousand 784 electronic sources.It is connected to the Inter-Library Cooperation Tracking System (KITS) and Turkey Document Supply and Lending System (Tübess) network, which ensures the exchange and coordination of all kinds of electronic and printed documents, especially books, with other university libraries.On the other hand, all kinds of technological infrastructure are available in our library. In this context, there are 2 Catalog Scanning Stations, 1 Loan-Return Station and 1 Ozone Disinfector, and YORDAM Library Program, which is in compliance with international standards, is used. There are 1576 non-printed materials (CD, Dud, Film, Sound Recording). There is a visual and auditory hall for 45 people.With the remote access to electronic resources, that is, the off-campus access system (Vetis), all our students and academic-administrative staff can access electronic resources 24/7 from wherever they are.It has a total of 51 databases, of which 6 are purchased and 45 are through the TÜBİTAK-Electronic Resources National Academic License (Equal).Our library has 2 reading rooms with an area of 2300 square meters, 8 individual study rooms, 4 group study rooms for 12-14-16 and 18 people, 14 Information Technologies Classes, 42 computers for all researchers, 6 chess tables and a cafe.      

11/11/2022 |  Şırnak Üniversitesi