
Youth Feast, jointly organized by our University Health, Culture and Sports Department (SKS) and Şırnak University Sports Club Association, has been held with an intense participation. At the request of our students, our Rector Prof. Dr. Mehmet Emin Erkan played instrument and sang folk songs.In his opening speech, our Rector Prof. Dr. Erkan expressed his satisfaction with the participation of the students in the festival and followed as; “ I would like to thank the SKS Department ,Şırnak University Sports Club Association and of course the dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts, teachers and students who will perform a musical feast at this festival. However, as you know, covid 19 negatively affects our country as well as the whole world. There has been an increase in cases in recent days. I ask you, please pay attention to the rules of social distance and mask. Don't forget to get your vaccinations”.Following the opening speech, students of the Music Department took the stage. Students had fun by songs and dance of Halay.

10/21/2021 |  Şırnak Üniversitesi