
Prof. Dr. Mehmet Emin Erkan, Rector of Our University, has visited İstanbul University which was matched with Şırnak University within the scope of YÖK Anatolia Project. Studies to be carried out between the two universities were discussed during this return visit made to Prof. Dr. Mahmut Ak, Rector of İstanbul University. Expressing that he is very proud that our university was matched with İstanbul University in the YÖK Anatolia Project, our Rector Prof. Dr. Mehmet Emin Erkan followed as; "I believe that İstanbul University will add a lot to both our students and academics. In this regard, our duty is to contribute to the cultural, social and scientific development of our city. I would like to thank everyone, especially Our President and Chairman of the Higher Education Council, for their contributions to the realization of this project.” Expressing his satisfaction with the visit of our Rector, Prof. Dr. Mahmut Ak stated that İstanbul Universtity opens its knowledge, experience and strong infrastructure to the students and academicians of Şırnak University with this project which is the first in our country's Higher Education and which includes many details from the quality of education to the quality of graduates, from research infrastructures to the mutual use of library facilities.The visit ended with a tour made to the units on the campus area.

6/24/2021 |  Şırnak Üniversitesi