
Students of the Faculty of Fine Arts have transferred the Sefine region on the Cudi Mountain to the canvas within the scope of the 2nd Cudi Art Festival activities. The visit to the Cudi Mountain Sefine region was attended by the Rector of our University Prof. Dr. Mehmet Emin Erkan, Provincial Director of Youth and Sports Abdullah Ayar, Dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts Prof. Dr. İsmail Ateş and students. Students prayed in the Masjid area of Sefine district. Some of the students transferred historical and cultural places to the canvas. Our students and volunteers of the Provincial Directorate of Youth and Sports, wearing local clothes, sang melodies accompanied by rhymes. Our Rector Prof. Dr. Mehmet Emin Erkan, stated that they came to the Sefine region together with the teachers and students, within the scope of the 2nd Judi Art Festival activities on the summit of Mount Judi, where Noah's mosque is located. He followed as; “We thank our Governor, Mr. Osman Bilgin, our Mayor, Mehmet Yarka, and our commanders for providing these opportunities. We have come to Sefine region, which we have dreamed of coming for 40 years, for the second time this year. Hopefully, we will organize another festival in July. I hope all our people will come. We are very happy. We brought our students to Sefine region. Our students will paint here. Efforts continue to make Cudi an important brand and national park. This place will now be opened to tourism. We are in a holy place for the three religions. Our Erasmus students from Romania are also present here. They are the first foreigners to come to Sefine in the last 40 years.”

5/24/2022 |  Şırnak Üniversitesi