
"Messages from Mevlana to the Present" program has been held by our University, on the occasion of the 749th death anniversary of Mevlana.Our Rector Prof. Dr. Abdurrahim Alkış and also many academic and administrative staff attended the program which Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aşkar, Lecturer from Ankara University Faculty of Theology, was the speaker in.The program was held at 15 Temmuz Congress and Culture Center of our University and started with a cine-vision screening of Mevlana's life and literary works. Later in the program, Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aşkar's life was told. Afterwards, the recitation of the Holy Qur'an was made and Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aşkar made his speech during the event. Our Rector Prof. Dr. Abdurrahim Alkış recited Mevlana's poem at the end of the conference and followed with his speech in which he emphasized that Mevlana guides humanity with his messages, invites them to the right path, and enchants people with his words and actions. He also underlined that words are not enough to describe Mevlana's belief in Allah and his love for our Prophet Hz. Muhammed. At the end of the program,our Rector Prof. Dr. Abdurrahim Alkış thanked to Prof. Dr. Mustafa Alkış and presented him gifts. 

12/25/2022 |  Şırnak Üniversitesi