
The August 30 Victory Day, which we celebrate with honor and pride, is proof that we are a nation that has never accepted captivity in any period of history and never gave up its independence, homeland and flag under any circumstances. This victory is the proclamation of the re-emergence on the stage of history and the rise from its ashes of a nation sought to be buried in history. With these thoughts in my mind, I remember with respect Ghazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the founder of our Republic and the Commander-in-Chief of the Great Offensive, his brother-in-arms and all our martyrs who sacrificed their lives to defend our country. I wholeheartedly congratulate our nation on the August 30 Victory Day.                                                                               Prof. Dr. Mehmet Emin Erkan                                                                                                     Rector

8/30/2021 |  Şırnak Üniversitesi