
“Labor Market Policies and Innovative Support Mechanisms Workshop for Universities and DIKA Staff” has been organized for the academic staff of our university in cooperation with our university and Dicle Development Agency (DIKA). A workshop has been organized for the academic staff of our university within the scope of the "Technical Assistance Project for the Promotion of Youth Employment in the TRC3 Region" funded within the scope of the European Union (EU) Project and carried out by DIKA in order to encourage the youth employment of the investors in our region. Participating in the training held at the 15 July Congress Center of our university, Our Rector Prof. Dr. Mehmet Emin Erkan said that as the University, they have implemented many employment-oriented projects. In the workshop attended by twenty-five lecturers, training on active labor employment and entrepreneurship was given by Demir Çulhacı, Specialist Trainer in the EU Youth Promotion Project. The sectoral dynamics of the region were analyzed by the pariticipants who also presented their findings, suggestions and opinions in groups on the selected themes and suggested solutions for the employment and labor market in the region, in the workshop.In the two-day workshop; studies were also carried out on programs such as employment support measures, training programs, on-the-job training, vocational training, self-employment measures, programs for the benefit of society for project trainers.

6/2/2021 |  Şırnak Üniversitesi